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Guardians of Guitar & NowGenDrums Present
THAT Ain't Surf Music!
A Site for Surf-Rock Disruptors, Iconoclasts, and Innovators. It's Not 1962 Anymore...
Photo by Matt Granz

Photo by Matt Grans
immigrant song lesson
Clem Decodes this Classic Bonham Drum Performance in 3 Steps
In her role as drummer for the all-female Led Zeppelin tribute, Zepparella, Clem has scrupulously researched John Bonham's style, rhythmic approaches, creative inspirations, and utter bombast. So, in other words, if you want to know anything about Bonzo's performance techniques, she is one hell of a tutor.
A while back, all of the members of Zepparella decided to share the deep musical knowledge gained through their studies of Bonham, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, and John Paul Jones on the Zepparella Learning Channel. We've collected Clem's three Learning Channel video lessons on "Immigrant Song" here, as a bit of a celebration ahead of the 50th anniversary of the release of Led Zeppelin III in October 2020.
Dive in and good luck!
Step 1: The Basics
Step 2: ghost notes
Step 3: Solos
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